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    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Throw the bums out!

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    This past week Charlie Rangel was charged with ethics violations – we’ve known about ol’ Charlie for the past six months or so. He’s a crook and what’s more depressing is his current position on the House Ways and Means Committee ( ), whose responsibility it is to write tax code. The guy helping write tax code is the one weaving his crafty, dishonest legacy, further corrupting the office of a Senator. How can we stand for this?

    Next: Maxine Waters. The big mouth from California who was accused by the Los Angeles Times as one of the thirteen most corrupt members of Congress. She is the source of gem quotes like this one:

    "George W Bush, go to hell! And while you're at it, we want you to take Ashcroft with you. And don't forget Rumsfeld. And please carry along Condi Rice. . . I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion." (While Bush was in office)

    She is accused of channeling bailout money to the bank of which her husband had a vested interest.

    And now the Democrats want to try to spin these latest corruption scandals as ‘draining the swamp’ in Washington. Too bad it has taken them over three years to put anything together other than what everyone already knew! Washington is full of more crooks than there are seats – on both sides of the aisle. It’s time for these incumbents to act like they mean it and shape up, or ship out. I can’t stomach many more years of these power-abusing scoundrels before I lose my mind.

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