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    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    California judge rules Prop 8 unconstitutional

    Whether or not you agree with gay marriage, the other great issue at stake here is the people's right to govern themselves. As this news rolled out this afternoon, the snippets appeared all over the internet, both pro- and against gay marriage. Shouts of hooray from the rainbow flag crowd, and cries of despair from the far right.

    Issues to consider as this goes to the Supreme Court.

    *The judge in this case is gay. No, not in a jr. high brush aside - he is gay, and that is an interesting dynamic in the ruling.

    *We all knew the ruling would be appealed either way and head to the Supreme Court. Was this the first outrageous judicial decision to come out of California? No way. Think Atheist vs. Pledge of Allegiance.

    *Will the Supreme Court uphold the will of the people? Will they listen to the broader set of Americans outside of California when they set a precedent? What is truly the will of the people in this case, not just the will of a smaller group?

    *If the people of California have twice voted for marriage to be strictly between a man and a woman, what does it say to the American people when the opinion of the courts flies in their faces? Does this have greater implications across America than just the right of gay people to marry?

    For this judge to rule the Proposition as Unconstitutional is to spit in the face of the majority of Californians (not unlike the reaction of gay America to those who voted for it) who exercised their constitutional right to vote. There is nothing more constitutional than exercising your right to vote.


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