Inspiring, isn't it? We pledge allegiance to this flag ... and to see it burn is not pleasant. Especially at the hands of the people who hate everything it stands for.
Protesters are inciting violence against an act which has only been PROPOSED (hasn't even happened yet!) and has the Muslim world in an uproar. I see effigy and American flag burning parties happening all the time abroad - does this create riots and violent protests by Americans? By anyone?
The Koran burning is a stupid idea by Tom Jones. The media has fueled his 'popularity,' showcasing this idiot's ideological battle in Florida across the world. But the very fact that it's even an issue is ridiculous, and I can't imagine trying to broker peace talks with that kind of mentality across the table. It won't work. Can you really reason with the very people in Palestine responsible for Bible and Cross burnings? (here: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/285123/christians_in_gaza_fear_for_their_lives.html?cat=9 ).
How do you feel about all of this?